Keynote speakers

Dr. Elke Anklam

Dr. Elke Anklam (About speaker)

European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Geel, Belgium

Topic: Filling the knowledge gaps to manage the challenges related to microplastics in the environment and food

Prof. Michel Nielen

Prof. Michel Nielen (About speaker)

Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), part of Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

Topic: Towards portable RAFA

Prof. Jana Hajslova

Prof. Jana Hajslova (About speaker)

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic

Topic: Current challenges in cannabis and products thereof analysis

Prof. Chiara Dall'Asta

Prof. Chiara Dall'Asta (About speaker)

University of Parma, Italy

Topic: Multi-omics approach for understanding the biotransformation of mycotoxins in mircopropagated durum wheat plantlets

Dr. Carsten Fauhl-Hassek

Dr. Carsten Fauhl-Hassek (About speaker)

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, Germany

Topic: Key challenges in analytical authentication

Prof.Rudolf Krska

Prof.Rudolf Krska (About speaker)

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, IFA-Tulln, Austria

Topic: Integrated methods to reduce, control and detect mycotoxins along the food chain

Prof.Michael Rychlik

Prof. Michael Rychlik (About speaker)

Technische Universität München, München, Germany

Topic: Predicting the future in food analysis - using crystal balls or facts?

Dr. Michele Suman

Dr. Michele Suman (About speaker)

Barilla Food Research Labs, Parma, Italy

Topic: Food Analysis for Food Integrity for Food Industry

Prof. Yongning Wu

Prof. Yongning Wu (About speaker)

China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing, China

Topic: Food Safety in China: Past, Present and Future

Prof. Christopher Elliott

Prof. Christopher Elliott (About speaker)

Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, Great Britain

Topic: What role can analysis play in fighting the next big food integrity challenge?

Prof. Saskia van Ruth

Prof. Saskia van Ruth (About speaker)

Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), part of Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

Topic: Think like a criminal: Who is vulnerable to fraud?

Prof. Bruno Le Bizec

Prof. Bruno Le Bizec (About speaker)

LABERCA - ONIRIS, Nantes, France

Topic: How do the recent analytical technologies extend the knowledge of the human exposome

Prof. Thomas Knepper

Prof. Thomas Knepper (About speaker)

University of Applied Science Fresenius · Institute for Analytical Research, Idstein, Germany

Topic: The microplastics issue in the food chain, lessons learnt from water

Dr. Kristian Holst Laursen

Dr. Kristian Holst Laursen (About speaker)

University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Topic: Key factors controlling stable isotope signatures of plant based foods

Dr. Claudia Zoani

Dr. Claudia Zoani (About speaker)

Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Rome, Italy

Topic: Metrology in Food and the role of Research Infrastructures

Dr. Jeroen Jansen

Dr. Jeroen Jansen (About speaker)

Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Topic: Using the power in untargeted omics technologies for untargeted monitoring and diagnosis of natural samples

Prof. Adrian Covaci

Prof. Adrian Covaci (About speaker)

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Topic: Human biomonitoring of emerging chemicals: current trends and implications in the exposome

Dr. Frans Verstraete

Dr. Frans Verstraete (About speaker)

European Commission, Directorate General for Health and Consumers, Brussels, Belgium

Topic: Analytical challenges for an effective EU policy on contaminants in food and feed to ensure a high level of animal and human health protection

Prof. Hendrik Emons

Prof. Hendrik Emons (About speaker)

European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Geel, Belgium

Topic: Regulatory science: An updated concept for proficiency testing of official control laboratories

Prof. Christian Klampfl

Prof. Christian Klampfl (About speaker)

Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Topic: Drugs in our vegetables? Uptake and metabolization of emerging contaminants by plants upon irrigation with reclaimed water