About RAFA
On behalf of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague, Czech Republic) and RIKILT, Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands), we are delighted to invite all food scientists from academia and industry and representatives of national and international agencies, control authorities, governmental and commercial laboratories to attend the 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2019).
In line with the concept of previous events, RAFA 2019 will provide an overview of contemporary trends in ANALYTICAL & BIOANALYTICAL STRATEGIES IN FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY CONTROL and discuss CHALLENGES / NOVEL APPROACHES IN FOOD AND NATURAL PRODUCTS ANALYSIS. Following RECENT & EMERGING ISSUES will be addressed within the RAFA 2019 sessions:

- Mycotoxins, marine and plant toxins
- Migrants from food contact materials
- Processing contaminants
- Pesticide & veterinary drug residues
- Industrial contaminants
- Allergens, antinutrients
- Metals & metalloids & speciation
- Healthy nutrients & vitamins
- Flavour significant compounds
- QA/QC & Chemometrics & Big data handling
- Authenticity & food fraud
- Omics in food analysis
- Food forensics
- Microplastics in food
- Novel food bioactives & supplements
- Organic crops & foodstuffs
- Human biomonitoring
- Portable on-site food analysis
The organizers of the 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis promise to prepare a balanced programme including oral presentations by young scientists, satellite workshops, interactive and vendor seminars and nice social events.
We are looking forward to meeting you again in beautiful Prague!
As long as, you are willing to join us, please mark RAFA 2019 in your calendar.
Prof. Jana Hajslova & Prof. Michel Nielen, conference chairs
RAFA 2017 in numbers
November 7-10, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers

Dr. Elke Anklam

Prof. Michel Nielen

Prof. Jana Hajslova

Prof. Chiara Dall'Asta

Dr. Carsten Fauhl-Hassek

Prof. Rudolf Krska

Prof.Michael Rychlik

Dr. Michele Suman

Prof. Yongning Wu

Prof. Christopher Elliott

Prof. Saskia van Ruth

Prof. Bruno Le Bizec

Prof. Thomas Knepper

Dr. Kristian Holst Laursen

Dr. Claudia Zoani

Dr. Jeroen Jansen

Prof. Paul Brereton